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_ICE4160_ICE4165_ICE4170_ICE4180_ICE4185_ICE4197_ICE4215 – Grass areas, remove pipes and other mechanical junk._ICE4225 – Grass areas, remove pipes and other mechanical junk._ICE4230 - •4430 – Grass areas, remove pipes and other mechanical junk._ICE4242 Grass areas, remove pipes and other mechanical junk. Also, the building face is a little washed out (no direct sun, no hard shadows), so what about increasing the vibrancy and/or saturation?_ICE4260_ICE4265_ICE4280_ICE4287_ICE4290-Edit Nothing needed, just a comment: If you faked in those lights to be on, outstanding job; illuminates the field and everything._ICE4335_ICE4375_ICE4384_ICE4407 Grass areas, remove pipes and other mechanical junk, and tripod shadow obviously. Also (I doubt this is possible), can you illuminate the face of the standing letters "Anna ISD" the way "Stad_ICE4411